Saturday, July 21, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter

Goodreads Synopsis
With more than a million Gallagher Girls books sold, a legion of fans have fallen in love with the New York Times best-selling spy-girl series, and the fifth book delivers the most nerve-wracking, high-stakes adventure yet.

The last thing Cammie Morgan remembers is leaving the Gallagher Academy to protect her friends and family. But when Cammie wakes up in an alpine convent and discovers months have passed, her memory is a black hole. The only traces left of Cammie’s summer vacation are the bruises on her body and dirt under her nails. All she wants is to go home. But even the Gallagher Academy now holds more questions than answers as Cammie and her friends face their most difficult challenge yet. With only their training and a few clues to guide them, the girls go in search of answers on the other side of the world. But the Circle is hot on their trail and will stop at nothing to prevent Cammie from remembering what she did last summer.

By Ally Carter
Hardcover, 294 pages
Published March 13th 2012 by Hyperion Book CH
5 out of 5 stars
Genere: YA Adventure/Mystery
Book 5 in the Gallagher Girls series

At the end of the fourth book, Only the Good Spy Young , we were left with Cammie planning on running away from the Gallagher Academy in hopes of finding answers about the Circle of Cavan, the terrorist group who wants Cammie for some desperate reason, and are willing to kill anyone in their way.

Out of Sight, Out of Time picks up four months after that. Cammie wakes up in a convent, thinking it was just last week that she was at the Gallagher Academy. But really, it's been months, and she realizes that she can't remember a single thing that happened to her over the summer, after she ran away. Cammie's mom finds Cammie at the convent, and takes her back home (Gallagher Academy), where basically everyone is angry/upset, shocked at Cammie for having run away, and at her appearance--she's bruised and dirty and much skinnier. From here, Cammie begins to think she's going crazy, that she is crazy, because she knows something important must have happened over the summer for her to have gotten her memory erased. This whole scenario created lot of questions for me--like, where did she go? Who caught her? What did she learn? What did she find? Did the Circle have her? And if so, what did they do to her? And why would they, or whoever it was, erase her memory?

I could go on and on with these questions, and thankfully they are answered by the end of this book. I'm not sure if I could have waited till next year to have them answered.

I loved Out of Sight, Out of Time. I've loved each Gallagher book, and I'm happy this one didn't disappoint. I'm both excited and sad to read the last book next year, since Cammie and her friends are characters I will miss reading about. Cammie's behavior in this book was erratic. She does things she normally wouldn't do, but she's also learned a thing or two--and that is that sneaking out or running away in the first place probably wasn't such a good idea.

From the first book, Cammie's been known for sneaking out of the academy. So, she kind of views her running away as the last straw.

There was so much that happened in this book. It seems short, only 294 pages, but I was overwhelmed with a lot of information, and so many questions I've had since book one are answered in this book. I reread a few parts to catch up with what Cammie was learning. It's obvious this summer was some kind of traumatic but significant part of her life, and she's slowly unraveling the mystery of what happened to her, what she did when she was away.

Ally Carter had always had me mesmerized with the Gallagher world. I mean it's a school for spies! And they all notice and think like I wouldn't ever be able to. Each character is brave and smart, and it shows in their own unique ways that Ally Carter writes them out to be.
All of Cammie's friends were awesome in this book, and her mom and aunt, as always, were the strong women Cammie's always looked up to. There's also Townsend, who I find appealing. Cammie describes him at one point as being kind of like what Zach might be when he's all grown up. Who wouldn't love him after that?

And there's Zachary Goode......
I've loved him since he showed up in Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy.He's teasing, and flirty (not as much in this book, though), but at the same time serious and determined, unwilling to let anyone or anything stand in his way. Considering where he comes from, Zach knows how dire the circumstances are. He cares for Cammie in ways that makes my heart melt. He's a hot spy--Cammie's obviously a lucky girl.

There were parts when I cried. Let's just say Cammie discovers more about the Circle of Cavan and the real reason they want her so badly. I don't want to give anything away, but it made me tear up!

So, Gallagher Girls 6, I'll be waiting for you. And it'll be sad to say bye to this world, but I'm looking forward to some fun, last adventures in it.

From Out of Sight, Out of Time:

"Zach?" I said, as I lay there. "Where did you go? When you were looking for me?"
I shifted in his arms, looked into his eyes.
"Crazy." His voice was a whisper against my skin. "I went crazy."

If you haven't started the series, I suggest you do so now!

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